Last year one day before my birthday one of my friends called me asked “is your birthday today or tomorrow?” it came as a realization and wakeup call to me that i had forgotten my birthday (Not exactly forgotten, but the excitement which builds up prior to your birthday wasn’t there) it made me realize that i had been working too hard and i need to give time to myself. well i started doing so and made it a top priority over everything i do.

Taking time out for yourself is one of the biggest favors you ever can do to yourself. it helps you rejuvenate, and think things out. even if you are not the one who likes to think and contemplate still you can take the time out and go for a walk alone or read a good book, just make sure you are not disturbed by anyone or anything. you can talk to yourself. or work on your pet projects, or just indulge in a hobby or some harmless reading but the point is to be alone for some time when you are not interacting with anyone but yourself, this will help you grow and moreover you will develop new skills which will help you in the long run.

Personally i prefer to take a long walk or read most of the time, when i am done with reading i learn new programming languages and technologies, it helps me grow as a hacker and also become aware in terms of knowledge and forming opinions on various things.